8 Clever Looking Bicycle Storage Ideas That You Should Consider

When it comes to time-honored activities that are best enjoyed when the weather is pleasant, cycling is right up there at the top of the list 

Bicycles, on the other hand, take up a significant amount of room, most likely in the shed or garage where you keep them. There is a bicycle storage solution that will keep your family’s bicycles well-organized and easy to reach, regardless of where you choose to store them.

To have a better grasp on what we are talking about, here are some bicycle storage ideas!

Insert a Floating Shelf 

Image Source: Architectural Digest

An ingenious do-it-yourself solution, a simple floating shelf might be all you need to keep your bike stable. The genius of this bicycle storage solution lies in the fact that it can be installed just about wherever there are studs behind a spare section of wall. 

Ideas that you should keep in mind:

  • Make sure the wall shelf is strong enough to support your bike’s weight and keep it safely off the floor. Then, when it’s time to go, just slide it off the shelf and out the door.
  • If you’re searching for a wall to decorate, a brick one would be a great place to begin. Don’t go painting the wall just yet. 
  • You may match the bike’s color scheme or go with something more daring. You don’t have to worry about what color to paint the walls since brown goes with everything.


  • Prepare a Line 

Prepare a Line 











Image Source: Just Needs Paint

This ingenious garage solution is perfect for households with many bicycles, since it makes use of otherwise wasted wall space. Your bike is large enough to hide any unsightly features in the room, so there’s no need to worry about finding other ways to liven things up.

Things that you should consider: 

  • Install a sturdy horizontal track system and strategically place hooks designed to support bicycles. Then you can simply unhook the one you need from the row you have them hanging in by the front tire. This will prevent them from scratching the floor or being dropped. 
  • Consider installing a protective barrier, like this metal panel, between the wall and the area where the wheels will be rubbing. 
  • Garage storage may be maximized with the addition of an overhead shelf and bins.
  • When in doubt, paint the walls white. A simple but interesting variant is to have it dingy white.


  • Incorporate This Bicycle Rack Into Your Front Hall 

Incorporate This Bicycle Rack Into Your Front Hall 

Image Source: The New York Times

Keep your bike inside your house if you don’t have a dedicated space for it, like a garage or shed. A well-kept entryway is a must in any house, and it can even provide storage for a couple of bicycles. 

Options that you should know:

  • Put them on hooks on the wall so they’re not in the way when you’re walking in and out of the house. Just make sure the hooks are firmly attached to the studs in the wall.
  • If you’re going for a clean, modern aesthetic, filthy white paint is the way to go. 
  • Choose a rack that has many hooks so you can store helmets and other equipment safely out of the way. This would be ideal for reducing clutter and eliminating disarray.
  • Because of their durability, stainless steel or metal racks are acceptable material choices. They come in a variety of neutral tones that will complement your bicycle and equipment.


  • Create Room Along a Railing 

Create Room Along a Railing 

Image Source: Better Homes & Gardens

In the hunt for perfect garage organization, adjustable, adaptable track systems are a hidden weapon. This is ideal for a group of people that like going on rides on the weekends. 

Suggestions to help you out:

  • Use one to your advantage by designing a place that allows you to store anything from seasonal clothing to sports equipment from floor to ceiling. 
  • Bike parking should be reserved, and safety equipment like helmets should be stored nearby. Adjustable shelving is great because it can adapt to the needs of a growing household.
  • A single color scheme for the walls, flooring, and ceilings is ideal. Make the bikes and athletic equipment the center of attention. 
  • The addition of children’s seats and tables would make the space even more versatile. Give them a vivid shade of red to stand out even more. 
  • When it comes to bike colors, it’s ideal to assign a specific hue to each member of the family. As a result, there will be less room for error and more room for structure.


  • Park It Using A Stand 

Park It Using A Stand 

Image Source: HGTV

A bike stand is a simple and ingenious way to keep bikes out of the way. Depending on their size, freestanding bike racks may store a single bike or many bikes in a convenient location.

Here are some tips for you: 

  • You may park the bikes on the stand just as you would in a regular parking lot. Make sure it fits properly so your bike won’t topple over.
  • The stands should be a vibrant but easily distinguishable hue. Some people would find it odd if the bike stand were to be shown prominently in their house, but if you’re the adventurous sort, go for it! 
  • If you’re going for a straightforward yet rural look, brick walls will do the trick. Be sure to paint it in a way that shows off your love of sports if you decide to do so. A neutral hue, like black, brown, or white, might do the trick.


  • Organize the Sports Gear 

Organize the Sports Gear 

Image Source: Realtor

Put the bikes back into position after a quick ride around the block, then grab a baseball and glove for a game of catch with the kids. This storage idea would definitely be perfect for a group of people who share the common interest. 

Consider these options:

  • If you have a lot of sports lovers or players in your household, it can make sense to store your bikes near other sporting goods like bats, balls, clubs, and rackets. 
  • A garage or shed outfitted with a track system, hooks, and baskets may become a year-round playground destination for kids.
  • You’re free to use as much color as you want. If the colors were balanced the result would be more aesthetically attractive design. 
  • Metal walls with a neutral color, such cream or brown, provide an image of reliability. In addition, the aforementioned hues may be used in a wide variety of contexts.


  • Hang from the Roof

Hang from the Roof

Image Source: Two Wheeling Tots

Is your storage shed or garage stuffed to capacity? Or maybe there isn’t enough space on the walls to place bicycle racks. Hanging bicycles from the ceiling is a clever alternative. 

Additional tips for you: 

  • To get to the bikes up high, either invest in a sturdy ceiling-mounted hoist rack or get creative with a pulley system.
  • Choose a rack or frame made of stainless steel to keep your bike secure while it’s being kept away. It might also assist to invest in some sturdy hooks. 
  • It’s important to remove any items from the ceiling before placing anything heavy there to prevent it from collapsing. 
  • It’s up to personal preference whether the walls are painted white or brown. A brown one reminiscent of an old barn would be great, but a plain modern design can do in a pinch.


  • Make a Bike As Your Display 

Make a Bike As Your Display 

Image Source: DIY Huntress

If you don’t have room for your bike in the garage, you can always find an alternative. This would work well against a blank wall. In addition, this would show off your athleticism.

Give these a shot: 

  • You should store your bike and helmet on a solid rack, preferably made of wood or metal. 
  • You may want to paint the walls white so that the bike, your athletic clothing, and any other exhibits can be seen easily. 
  • Maintaining harmony and cohesion requires strict adherence to the designated color scheme. If the rack is made of wood, you may as well get a storage unit that has the same look but is made of rustic wood and has metal legs. Do what the blacks, browns, and whites tell you to. Simply, have some uniformity.  
  • Because the bicycle has already done its lot to make the wall interesting, you can fill the remaining space with anything else you choose, whether it books, plants, lights, pictures, etc. They wouldn’t only look cool, but they’d also make the space a lot busier without sacrificing utility.

Frequently Asked Questions: FAQs 


Where can I put my bike if I don’t have a garage? 

The risk of corrosion and theft increases when you leave your bike outdoors. Install a solid anchor in the ground or on a wall to safely lock your bike. Take your lock with you to the hardware shop to make sure the eye of the expander bolt is the right size. 


Where would you put that many bicycles? 

This ingenious garage solution is perfect for households with many bicycles, since it makes use of otherwise wasted wall space. Install a sturdy horizontal track system and strategically place hooks designed to support bicycles. Then you can simply unhook the one you need from the row you have them hanging in by the front tire. 


Is it safe to keep a bike on its wheels? 

A bicycle may be easily hung by its wheel. The wheel can support weights that are multiples of the bike’s own. The only possible issue is if the bike’s tyre, which is providing support for the bike’s upright position, becomes flat. 


How can I best organize a large number of bicycles? 

Bike racks that hang horizontally on the wall 

It’s the best option for keeping many bicycles in one place, and you’ll find it in most bike shops’ repair bays. The most basic models consist of a hook that screws into a wooden wall post or ceiling beam, or that threads into a masonry wall plug. 


Do you recommend bringing motorcycles inside? 

If you need to store more than one bicycle at your house, do it indoors, away from the weather and potential thieves. You may need to be inventive when it comes to storing your bicycle(s) within your home if you don’t have access to a yard, shed, or garage.


Final Words 

There is an abundance of alternatives for storing bikes, from garage bike racks to wall bike racks. Finding the appropriate garage bike rack may be difficult, since there are hundreds of different bikes available. Unfortunately, there is no universally applicable method of stowing bicycles. But, we trust that these suggestions for bicycle storage will be sufficient. 

It’s more harder to find a place to store your bike inside. You need a unique bike storage plan that fits your specific demands, such as the number of bikes you need to keep, the ease with which you need to reach them, and the amount of space you have available for bike storage.

Also, if you think that there is a storage room for you to revamp, do not hesitate to read these related articles:

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Written By: Trisha Mae Raymundo 




Bicycle Storage Ideas
Rachel Tate

Rachel Tate

Passionate about interior design and helping readers find design inspiration. Head of content in Define Bottle Since and love writing about interior design ideas.

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