Plate Design Ideas

You’ve probably been to a friend’s house and see a plate designed with various works of art or sketches. Likewise, you must have gone shopping at the mall and saw plates with beautiful drawings on them.

Do you want to have such plates with nice designs on them in your home? This article is for you. The wide range of designs listed in this post works on every plate – from dishes for dining table decoration to plates for actual eating.

Check out these collection of unique plate design ideas:


Cottage Homes Plate Design

Cottage Homes Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

Let your hands explore the artistic creativity within you with this cottage home on plate design. Draw the houses in tiny shapes to add more aesthetic to the design.

Stripe and Lemon Breakfast Plate Design

Stripe and Lemon Breakfast Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

Make yourself always look forward to breakfast everyday with this plate design. The lemon fruit shape on the design will remind you to take warm water and lemon every morning if it’s your routine.

Charlotte Brant Plate Design

Charlotte Brant Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

The Charlotte Brant plate design is among the most sophisticated and inventive plate designs. Use brushes with tiny tips for the design to enable you to get clear drawings.

Beautiful Warrior With Bow Antique Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

This plate design is antique. Use a brown stripe to design the edge of the plate so the design will blend properly.

Volkswagen Automobile Plate Design

Volkswagen Automobile Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

The Volkswagen automobile plate design is ideal for the plate your kids’ use for their meals. Draw the Volkswagen car in the middle of the plate to make it fit the plate size.

Quirky Birds Plate Design

Quirky Birds Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

You can use this plate design on dishes you use for decoration. Focus your attention on the tiny drawings in the design to get it correctly.

Little Chick on Plate Design

Little Chick on Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

Little chick on plate design is another plate design that is ideal for the plates your kids use for eating. Coat the edges in brown color to make the design look aesthetic.

Love Shape on Edge Plate Design

Love Shape on Edge Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

The love shape on edge plate design is good for lovers who eat together. You can also paint this design on a plate and present it as a gift to your partner.

Long Blooming Flower Plate Design

Long Blooming Flower Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

This plate design is good for people who are looking for a design idea for dishes they use for decoration purposes. You can put the flower demarcation in the middle to make it look more appealing.

Flap-tail Fish Fishes Plate Design

Flap-tail Fish Fishes Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

This painting is one of the most innovative plate designs. Make the paintings a bit blur so it will look exactly like the sample above.

Whirlwind Plate Design

Whirlwind Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

The whirlwind plate design is also good for plates used for dining table decor. Don’t use too explicit colors so the plate can blend with any dining table design.

Line Sketches On Plate Design

Line Sketches On Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

The line sketches on plate design is simple. Use a pointed paint brush and draw automobile wheels in place of the circles to add more creativity to it.

Leafy Flowers on Yellow Color Plate Design

Leafy Flowers on Yellow Color Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

Teach your children how to design plates with the leafy flowers on yellow color plate design. Pay attention to the tiny details on the design to ensure that you get it correctly.

Flower Patterns Plate Design

Flower Patterns Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

This plate design is perfect for flower lovers. Use patterns on one side of the plate to make the art look more beautiful.

Handmade Turkish Paintings on Plate Design

Handmade Turkish Paintings on Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

The handmade Turkish paintings on plate design is perfect for plates used for decorations. Use the design to add a festive atmosphere in your home during seasonal celebrations.

Seafish Patterns Plate Design

Seafish Patterns Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

This seafish pattern plate design is a good option if you love sea fishes. Paint the edge of the plate with ocean-blue color to make the design look appealing to the eyes.

Flowerlines Plate Design

Flowerlines Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

The flowerlines plate design is simple and straightforward. The color you will use on the plate’s surface depends on what you want.

Queen-Peacock and Flowers Plate Design

Queen-Peacock and Flowers Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

A queen peacock is beautiful as an artwork. Add some flowers to this plate design to make it look more aesthetic.

Blue Peacock Plate Design

Blue Peacock Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

Peacock exhibits beauty and pride with its feathers. Draw a blue peacock and flowers on your dining table decor plate to make it look appealing to the visitors that may sit on your dining table to eat.

Colored Leaves Plate Design

Colored Leaves Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

This design goes well with white plates. Draw the leaves at the edge of the plates to make the white color look more sharp.

Cinderella With Flute Plate Design

Cinderella With Flute Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

Painting a plate design can be like composing music. Create your own melody by drawing a Cinderella blowing a flute on a plate as a design.

Big Calf Plate Design

Big Calf Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

A big calf drawn on the center of a plate can also serve as a plate design. You can use this design to decorate your kids’ meal plates because the design will resonate with their level of brain development.

Trees With Red Fruits Plate Design

Trees With Red Fruits Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

The trees with red fruits plate design is a good choice if you want a plate design you can do with your children. Use this design to show your kids how to design beautiful plate design ideas.

Parachute on Plate Design

Parachute on Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

Parachute on plate design is simple and easy to do. Place the parachute drawing close to the plate’s edge and sketch small trees and cottages on one extreme part of the plate.

Red Pomegranate Plate Design

Red Pomegranate Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

The red pomegranate plate design is ideal for a fruit plate. Add green leaves drawings to the design so it will blend perfectly with the pomegranate’s red color.

Berry-Flower Plate Design

Berry-Flower Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

Only a few things look more beautiful than a berry-flower plate design. Coat the edge of the plate with a brown color to make the color blend with the plate and berry’s colors also.

Flowered Fish-Scale Design

Flowered Fish-Scale Design

Source: Pinterest

Use this flowered fish-scale design to paint your dining table decor plate. The color you will use depends on how your dining area looks.

Five Blue Birds on Trees Plate Design

Five Blue Birds on Trees Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

The five blue birds on trees plate design is a good alternative if you want to teach your children how to design plates. Coating a plate with this design won’t be hard because the color is monotonous (only blue).

Wooly-Sheep Plate Design

Wooly-Sheep Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

The wooly-sheep design is one of the most straightforward plate designs you can find. You can use it to design your children’s meal plates.

Oldie Standing on Lake Plate Design

Oldie Standing on Lake Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

Use this design to make your emotions go wild and imagine when you will become old. Use blue color for the drawings so it will blend well with the plate’s creamy color.

Colored Ribbons on Plate Design

Colored Ribbons on Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

Use the colored ribbons on plate design to decorate your plates when the festive seasons draw near. Paint a faint-black color cottages and trees on one end of the plate to make the design more beautiful.

Antelope on White Plate Design

Antelope on White Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

Try the antelope on white plate design if you want to do sophisticated drawings. Draw the antelope in the middle of the plate with leaves and flowers around it to blend the designs together.

Cloud and Kites Plate Design

Cloud and Kites Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

Coat your plates with the picture of a cloud and kites as a design. Shade one-quarter of the plate with color stripes to make the design look aesthetic.

Bird and Flower on Green Color Plate Design

Bird and Flower on Green Color Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

The bird and flower on a green color plate design is antique and beautiful to see. Paint the plate’s edge with lines of brown and creamy color to make it blend perfectly with the green coating on the middle of the plate.

Red Colored Love and Writings on Plate Design

Red Colored Love and Writings on Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

Nothing is more significant than a few lovely words and love shape design on a plate. Write the words round the edge of the plates and draw the love shape in the middle to match the design together.

Fish-Scale On Plate Design

Fish-Scale On Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

The fish-scale on plate design looks sophisticated, which makes it a good choice for people who want to spend more time designing a plate. Paint a few feathers on the scale to add more details to the design.

Meow Cats Plate Design

Meow Cats Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

Learn how to design plates with this simple design idea. Designing a few cat heads on a plate will not only provide a beautiful plate for your meals, it will also help to develop your creative mind.

Big Swine Plate Design

Big Swine Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

The big swine plate design is another creative design you can use on your children’s meal plates. Seeing the swine pig drawing on the plates will also help to develop the part of their brain that retains information using graphic images.

Leaf and Flower Plate Design

Leaf and Flower Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

Let your emotions bloom in a lovely way like this arrangement of flowers on plate design. Ensure that the colors you will use match each other so you can get the design as it is on this sample above.

Royalty Queen Painting Plate Design

Royalty Queen Painting Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

This design is for you if you want a royalty image to be in front of you while you gulp down your food. Paint the plate’s edges with blue color to match it with the surface color in the middle of the plate.

Plucked Flowers on Plate Design

Plucked Flowers on Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

Artworks are perfect for plate designs. Use this design to decorate your meal plates if you love art paintings.

Bee-happy Plate Design

Bee-happy Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

The bee-happy plate design is ideal for you if you miss the warm childhood memories you had. Draw a bee in the middle of the plate and put an inscription, “bee happy (be happy) to depict the experience clearly.

Grapefruit With Leaves Plate Design

Grapefruit With Leaves Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

The grapefruit with leaves plate design is a good choice of design for grapefruit lovers. Draw a bunch of grapefruits on one side of the plate and match it by coating the plate’s edge in gold color to make it look beautiful.

Blushing Face Plate Design

Blushing Face Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

Blushing faces are pretty. Sketch three kitty faces on all sides of the plate and leave the middle empty to make the design colorful.

Curly Flower Plate Design

Curly Flower Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

The curly flower plate design is an old, vintage design. Pay attention while using this plate design to coat your plate because it has a lot of details.

Withered Leaves and Flowers Plate Design

Withered Leaves and Flowers Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

The withered leaves and flowers plate design is one of the most innovative plate designs. Explore your creativity by drawing any figure you want in the middle and surround it with withered flowers and leaves.

Ship Anchor Plate Design

Ship Anchor Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

The ship anchor plate design will resonate more with naval officers or families that have naval officers as their members. The design is simple – draw a ship anchor on the plate and make the rope twirl round the plate.

Music Family Plate Design

Music Family Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

The music family plate design contains too many details. Get all the color combinations right to make the design look aesthetic.

Two Antelopes On White Plate Design

Two Antelopes On White Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

The two antelopes on white plate design are beautiful and aesthetic. Draw both antelopes concurrently on two sides of the plate and use flowers to decorate the plate’s edge.

White Hibiscus on Red Color Plate Design

White Hibiscus on Red Color Plate Design

Source: Pinterest

Let your emotions flourish and look lovely like the hibiscus flowers on this plate design. Use either white hibiscus flowers and red color for the plate’s surface or red hibiscus flowers and white color for the plate’s surface to get the perfect design.


What can I use to design ceramic plates?

Use a painting pen or a sharp brush if you want to make quick and precise drawings on a ceramic plate effortlessly. Pointed brushes or a ceramic paint brush pen are ideal for creating complex curved-lined motifs, such as flowers and love shapes. However, ensure that the paint pen is free from toxins and cannot contaminate food before applying it on plates you will use to eat.

How can I add designs on plates?

To add designs on plates:

  • Clean and dry the plates thoroughly.
  • Get a graffiti stencil and any tool (with a tiny tip) you prefer to draw with and place it on the spot you would like to start drawing on the plate.
  • Sketch the patterns or drawings you want.
  • Allow the paint to dry on the plate.


This article has explained everything you need to know regarding plate designs. Choose any of these creative designs listed in this article if you want to create a unique art on your plate for personal use.


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Rachel Tate

Rachel Tate

Passionate about interior design and helping readers find design inspiration. Head of content in Define Bottle Since and love writing about interior design ideas.

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