10 Best Ways To Keep Mosquitoes Away From Your Patio, Porch, And Backyard.

Source: Sunset Magazine

Summertime is a terrific time to relax on a deck or porch. The spring and summer months are ideal for spending time on the deck, whether you’re grilling outside, hosting an outdoor gathering, or simply relaxing with an excellent book outside. But a swarm of annoying mosquitoes has the potential to destroy it all. When you’re being eaten alive outdoors, who wants to be there? This season, there are several strategies for keeping mosquitoes off your patio or porch. Here is our list of them, some function better than others.

Eliminate Standing Water.

Mosquito eggs need a source of standing water to hatch. Still water is a breeding ground for larvae. Therefore, without any standing water, mosquitoes cannot reproduce. But in addition to attracting mosquitoes looking for a place to lay eggs, standing water also serves as a haven for young mosquitoes.

Find any toys or containers that might store water and throw them away. Containers should be turned upside down when not being used to avoid rainwater buildup. Also, look at your gutters. If your gutters are clogged, you may need to clear them out, or you may merely need to change the slope to ensure proper drainage.

Can’t Drain Stagnant Water?

Several options are available if the still water on your patio won’t drain. A birdbath would serve as an example. Or perhaps a water feature. The water can be treated with mosquito dunks and bits or a fountain to make it flow because you won’t be draining them. A fountain will adequately stir the water to make it inhospitable for mosquito eggs. Mozzie larvae are wiped off by a bacterium that is introduced into standing water by devices like mosquito bits and dunks.

Avoid Scented Body Products.

Insects may be repelled by some fragrances, but some fragrances have the reverse effect. If you’re going to be outside when there are a lot of mosquitoes around, it’s better to avoid using any scented body wash, lotion, perfume, or cologne -from dusk until sunrise, usually from April to October. We will talk about mosquito-repellant fragrances later in this article.

Put On Mosquito Repellent.

Typical ingredients in conventional mosquito repellent sprays are picaridin and DEET. Despite being quite efficient in preventing mosquito bites, certain repellent chemicals may irritate sensitive skin. Therefore, always follow the instructions when applying these sprays, and after using them to repel mosquitoes, rinse the spray off your skin thoroughly.

The greatest approach to stop the spread of diseases like dengue fever and the Ross River virus, among others, that mosquitoes can carry to humans is to avoid getting bitten.

NSW Health suggests sprays with the active component of lemon eucalyptus oil as a plant-derived substitute (OLE).

Make A DIY Mosquito Trap.

Here is how you can create a DIY sugar trap for mosquitoes.

  • A plastic bottle should be cut in half.
  • Take the bottom half of the bottle and fill it with one cup of hot water.
  • Now, mix one tablespoon of brown sugar in it.
  • Pour the solution into the bottom of the bottle once it has cooled, then add a teaspoon of yeast.
  • The other bottle half should be placed in the bottom half, upside down, and taped together. Again, keep in mind to keep the top clear.
  • Set the trap in a place where mosquitoes are a problem, and replace the mixture every two weeks.

Get Patio Plants To Keep Bugs Away.

There is no ideal way to use plants to ward off insects, but nature has endowed plants with a range of natural defenses. Based on the pests you’re most worried about, you would have to pick rather particular patio plants to deter bugs. For instance, flies shun basil, moths dislike lavender, and ants stay away from chrysanthemums.

You can use the following to keep mosquitoes off your deck or patio:

  • Lavender
  • Geranium
  • Marigold
  • Rosemary
  • Lemon Thyme
  • Citronella
  • Basil

Remember that a lemon fragrance may deter mosquitoes but may also attract bees. That implies that some preparation is required. But if done carefully, this could be a useful, all-natural pest deterrent.

Use Citronella And Lemon Eucalyptus Oil Candles And Torches

Citronella is a bug deterrent that some homeowners frequently forget to use on their patio. Although citronella candles and torches are known for their ability to keep mosquitoes away, they also work well to keep flies and other pests away. Burning citronella may offer natural lighting to your patio in addition to infusing the air with fragrances that keep bugs away from you.

Despite what may seem to be a fallacy, numerous government agencies like the Center for Disease Control and Prevention advise using lemon eucalyptus oil as an insect repellant. DEET isn’t the only option. This oil will work if you seek a more natural solution to repel mosquitoes.

Keep Your Backyard And Patio Trimmed And Neat

Unkempt yards are excellent homes for insects. Tall grass is a favorite hiding place for ticks, and shrubs that are close to your house might make it simpler for bugs to get inside. Maintaining a tidy yard can actually help keep bugs away from a patio, so it’s not simply a matter of appearance. Pick up rubbish and tidy up spills as soon as possible to prevent them from luring pests.

Install Patio Screens

One of the finest methods for preventing mosquitoes from entering outdoor spaces is the use of insect screens, mosquito netting, and complete patio enclosures. These systems are ideal for keeping insects at bay all year long and can wrap around your complete patio or porch for 24-hour protection. In addition, thanks to patio screens, you may benefit from the good weather in your garden while being completely bug-free.

Install A Bug Misting System.

A line of defense can be established across your backyard using special mist. With this technique, fixed insecticide sprayers are scattered over your yard at intervals of 10 to 15 feet. The nozzles can be mounted on stakes that are buried in the ground or hung from nearby trees or fences.

Each nozzle is attached to an insecticide-containing tubing. The system is turned on by remote control or timer to release the fog that kills mosquitoes. They are effective at eliminating flying pests for 12 hours.

Professional Mosquito Control

While DIY techniques may yield some degree of results, you should contact a reputable pest control firm if you are dealing with many mosquitoes. Professional pest control firms are better informed about safety procedures while using chemicals and have the knowledge to eradicate mosquitoes at all phases of their life cycles. In addition, professional mosquito control companies have a renewal period of 30 days, which will effectively keep away the annoying pests that invade your patio space.

Keep Your Patio Mosquito-Free With Our Tips!

Prevent pesky mosquitoes from ruining your patio party with these quick tips. If you don’t want to use bug spray to kill mosquitoes and other insects, essential oils like citronella and lemongrass come in handy. You’ll want to use them in a diffuser.

An effective short-term solution to eliminate these pests would be mosquito-repelling UV light, white bulbs, yellow lights, and oscillating fans. They are also great at imparting decorative value to your porch, patio, or backyard. So keep the pests at bay with these top ten ways to keep mosquitoes away! 

Rachel Tate

Rachel Tate

Passionate about interior design and helping readers find design inspiration. Head of content in Define Bottle Since and love writing about interior design ideas.

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